
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hie Virtapay members, good news around is that Virtapay has now converted to a crypto-currency known as the Virtacoin.Now as we all know many of us wanted some cash from the new currency and decided to sell some of our coins, however this has resulted in the Virtacoin dropping value against the Bitcoin.

We now need to support Virtacoin by voting for the coin to be accepted on other exchange platforms and also by creating value added products or services so that in a year we can have a very strong Virtacoin. Soon I will be launching a marketplace accepting Virtacoin so be on the look-out.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Virtapay-Mall Exchanger Service Notice

Dear clients of the Virtapay-Mall Exchange Service, please be adviced that due to the low sales from the mall we have decided to stop the exchange service from 1 Janury 2013. The low sales have contributed to very little exchange earnings and we can't continue like this, please send by email your VirtaPay ID for your full refund.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

VirtaPay MarketPlace

Dear VirtaPay members we have introduced a marketplace within the VirtaPay Mall (, this means you can now sell your productsfor free, the limit number per member is 3 at best. All products to be sold should meet the prohibited terms already used in VirtaPay and if you want to sell just send an email with the product image, description, virtapay buy button code and the price, email to

Monday, July 30, 2012

Virta-Mall Exchanger

Hie VirtaPay users, today we introduce another amazing service that allows you to exchange your VirtaPay currency into US dollars, Euros or any other currency of your choice.
Our service is very simple, you don't need to buy any software,eBook etc to get started. Here is how you can get started:

1. Pay your VirtaPay $$$ into our account using the VirtaPay Exchange buy buttons on the left.
2. After your payment send us an email with your Paypal, Liberty Reserve, Moneybookers or Details of how you want us to deposit your US dollars, Euros etc.., email to
3. On receipt of your payment we will automatically include you into our beneficiaries database and you will start to receive your US$, Euros etc...every 3 days until your full amount due is paid.

How our Exchange System Works?

It's simple as A,B,C because we have an online estore mall that sells thousands of products world-wide, all the sales money we receive from this mall goes to our VirtaPay members in exchange of your VirtaPay currency, I hope you got it right. Now as a memeber of this mall we only need you to promote the mall to your friends, clients, family etc.. so that we continue to sell more goods and thereby earn more money to exchange with.
Now imagine the thousands of VirtaPay members promoting this mall and how much it is making per day? That's a lot of real money being exchanged with VirtaPay currency and the kind of relief all VirtaPay users have been waiting for.
View the mall at
90 Day Refund - If we don't pay your full amount in 90 days we will refund your VP$ in full, this guarantee is an intent to show you that we are not scammers.

The Exchange Cost?

We will exchange your VirtaPay currency as following:

* VP$1  000.00  =  US$  500.00  or after launch  (US$  625.00)
* VP$5  000.00  =  US$2 500.00  or after launch  (US$3 125.00)
* VP$10 000.00  =  US$5 000.00  or after launch  (US$6 250.00)

N.B: When the VirtaPay Currency is officially launched to trade with other currencies we will pay you an extra 25% for your exchanged total amount if the rate is US$1 = VP$0.50C+ 

This is Real, This is It, Exchange Now and get real money.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bonus gift for comments

Hie well we are going to start something great from tommorow Sunday, if you post a comment we will give you our special gift for that week and as a starter all next weeks comments will receive an ebook on how you can earn money with Twitter.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Adverts Update

Thank you for all those purchasing advertising space on this blog, if you have not yet submitted your advert please do so by email to - timbug87@ Another milestone for Virtapay on the horizon as the official debit card is to be launched soon, hopefully we all are looking forward to using this card soon when Virtapay is part of the currencies accepted online.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Virtual Business Partners

Today we introduce the Virtual Business Partners to all VirtaPay members, as A VirtaPay member we invite you to be part of this great opportunity that will transform yor life in a BIG way soon. 

What Is The Virtual Business Partners?

Well as you know the virTual business sector is growing each year with products as websiteS, software & eBooks, Apps (Applications), Financial and Education services, electonic stores, customer care products and services and many more.
As the Virual Business PArtners we will research and develop products and services that we will provide to individuals, businesses and various oganizations world-wide.

The Opportunity:

We are inviting all VirtaPay Members interested in becoming business partners in this innovative project to srart buying shares using your VirtaPay Currency, we have listed buy buttons on the left side with different total amounts of shares selling for $1 each. If you buy the $500 shares option it's equals to 500 shares in the company.

What Next:

As you kNow the VirtaPay currency is soon to be accepted as real money world-wide and as soon as that happens we will be able to use our combined share balance to invest in buying profitable businesses and also to create new products and services with our available funds. As for other usual business operational structures we are going to set-up all this in the next 60 days. Once you purchase your shares and you are interested to become our management team member simply forward your application via the contact details in your share acknowledgement letter. As a new company we need qualified and experienced people to be Directors, Managers, Ad visors and more, if you just want to buy shares and relax until shareholders meetings and earning dividents without the usual working environment sterss, then that is fine with everyone after all that is how businesses operate. Be advised that you will receive your share certificate and all documents in VirtaPy currency and then in the real currency as we progress with our developments.

My Advice:

Buy as much shares as you can now, we will close the window period for buying shares in September 2012 as we start to put in place our business structures, We will further inform you of any updates directly and if you have any suggestions please feel free to inform us without any delay. As soon as you buy your shares simply send your purchase referrence number, your full name and contact details to

In Conclusion I just want to say be visionery and take advantage of opportunities that come by whilst you still can.